No deposits - only income with El Capitalo!

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We are glade to inform you about important updates implemented by the El Capitalo platform. Do not accumulate funds on your balance - reinvest or withdraw. Your assets must work!

No deposits

Dear Clients,

We are introducing a bonus balance and a rule for withdrawing funds from this balance.


• If the client has not withdrawn or reinvested the funds during the coin redemption week, the system will automatically transfer them to the bonus balance.

• To withdraw funds from the bonus balance, you must complete the purchase of coins for the period you need (minimum period is 5 weeks).

• After redeeming coins, request their withdrawal to avoid re-transferring the unclaimed amount to the bonus balance.

Why was this rule introduced?

• The platform is not a financial institution or depository - all assets must work.

• Unclaimed assets cannot be held in trust wallets to avoid risks.

Follow the rules to make your funds work for you!

More information about required updates:

1.Updates on the deposit system:

Two balances – more possibilities! Now you have two balances: main and bonus.

-The bonus balance is replenished from bonus funds, as well as funds that were not withdrawn or reinvested in a timely manner.

-The main balance receives referral commissions, top-ups in USDT and payments for coins.

-When you click on the PURCHASE button, your funds are first debited from your bonus balance (if any), and then you can enter the amount to be debited from your main balance. The purchasing process remains the same.

-Reinvestment. There is no reinvest button anymore. Just press the PURCHASE CAB button and enter the missing coin value in the main balance field and press the CONTINUE button. The coins will be automatically credited and the funds will be debited from your balance without the need to replenish.

At the beginning, the system will always debit funds from the bonus balance, and the missing amount will be offered to be debited from the main balance.

2.Updates on the referral system:

Automatic accruals. Now you don't have to keep track of referral commissions. Referral commissions are automatically (if you have accumulated more than $30) credited to your main balance every Monday at 10:00 UTC.

In your personal account on the Dashboard and in the Referrals section you will be able to see the following division:

-available next Monday - the amount that will be credited to your main balance on the coming Monday.

-last received - the amount that was credited to your main balance on the last Monday.

Don't miss the opportunity to use all the new features on the El Capitalo platform! We strive to make your experience as efficient and beneficial as possible.

If you have any further questions, contact us at [email protected]

Thank you for being with us,

El Capitalo Team