Frequently asked Questions.


El Capitalo is an international cryptocurrency investment platform based on blockchain technology. The backbone is the internal cryptocurrency CAB, which has a stable growth rate of 1% per week.


First, a little more about interaction: each person has the right to transfer their finances to another person at a certain time to receive their finances back with a commission, thereby achieving the goal of financial exchange. We share our assets through the system. We can provide numerous pieces of evidence of competent work in this area. This system has been working successfully for more than 10 years. Our principle is to build the system based on a new architecture and improve it further with additional diversification opportunities in the crypto market. Long ago, in the days of the first bankers, there was a golden rule of 1:3, when for one unit of goods in reserve, a banker could safely issue 3 IOUs to get 3 units of goods. In today’s world, the government monopoly of money creation has long led to an uncontrolled increase in this ratio. Now, this ratio of real goods to money and “securities” in circulation is unknown or hidden, but according to various sources, it can reach 1:10,000 or even more. All this leads to regular global financial crises, inflation, poverty for most of the world’s population, and, of course, a slowdown in the growth of our civilization.

The principle of 1:3 with the return of a part of the interest to the support fund allows us to create a stable instrument and allows users to share their money, receiving an excellent and stable reward. One user can have a maximum of 100 CAB coins simultaneously. With its buyback schedule and adjustment system, the El Capitalo platform provides a long-term performance that can last for decades. Therefore, once convinced of this, users build personal strategies for financial well-being in the long run, creating a source of constant passive income. The number of simultaneously active coins can number in the dozens; every week, such a user can order a buyback.

The timeframe for each coin is set independently by the user at the time of its issuance. To divide a coin for each future buyback, one must take a spot in the general buyback schedule; however, not every week of the general buyback schedule has a “free spot” to reserve for a coin to be bought back by the system. If there is a free spot, it can be taken, but if there is not, it is impossible to place a coin there. In that case, one can consider other weeks of the schedule, and perhaps there are still free spots elsewhere.

The maximum buyback value of a coin also depends on the timeframe. The longer the timeframe, the higher the amount of buyback the user can get. If you want to get a larger buyback, for example, 5 times the maximum available for the selected period, you can wager up to five coins for that week, and instead of one buyback, you will get five. You may use a longer-term when a larger buyback is available. The return on a coin depends on the timeframe. The longer the buyback timeframe, the higher the yield. The yield itself has a fixed amount. It is essential to understand that buyback value adjustments are possible. It all depends on the current rate of development of the platform.

The participant can deposit money through any payment system using USDT TRC-20 in the Personal Account. To participate in the system, the participant must have a cryptocurrency wallet.

Go to the site's main page and tap (click) the icon to join the system. You will need to enter your email and confirm it through an email from the platform, then choose your nickname (pseudonym) and create a password to enter. At this point, the essential part of the registration is complete and you get access to your account. A participant must be at least 18 years old and each participant may only register once.

The Administration has the right to refuse the participation of any participant at any time without giving any reasons.


The whole system is built on the blockchain system; it has its coin, CAB, issued in the TRON network and pegged to the stablecoin USDT TRC-20. The coin’s nominal value is 100 USDT or the system’s internal exchange rate at the time of purchase. A coin is not a monetary asset but an intra-system accounting value.

The coin exchange rate has clear boundaries and is cyclic; the system begins on Monday, November 19, 2022, the 45th week of the year. From this point on, the coin rate grows strictly in a proportion of 1% per week with capitalization until the moment when the coin doubles (x2) - then the so-called doubling, when the coin returns to its original value only now the user has 2 coins instead of 1 - so in the week that the value of the coin equals to 200.86, the rate drops to 100. The user automatically gets a second coin. The days are already precisely defined for years to come.

So, let's say you purchased a 100 CAB coin on January 6, 2024, and in week 18 of 2025, you will receive 2 coins of 100 each. Your return would be 48% per annum. Implementing such a seemingly complex mechanism gives users a clear and transparent understanding of how the platform works and allows them to predict their returns accurately.

The system consists of parts, so-called blocks, and the blocks are divided into systems:

  • - Registration (credentials, communication, recovery, Q&A)
  • - Accounting (incoming coin traffic (growth), outgoing coin traffic (buyback), referral statistics, income calculations, exchange rate) distribution
  • - Growth and buyback schedule
  • - Adjustments of the growth and buyback schedule; each block has separate control of access rights and rights to process certain data.
Registration (credentials, communication, restore, Q&A)

This block is administered by in-house staff; they control registration, sort mail, answer questions, help with restoring access (if possible), check IP matches for participant security, and ensure the system’s safety from abuse.

Accounting (incoming coin traffic (growth), outgoing coin traffic (buyback), referral statistics, income calculations, exchange rate)

This block is under the supervision of highly qualified personnel: they control the incoming information from the finance block, process all requests, form, and issue tasks for the buyout of coins, oversee the payments within the referral program, control the exchange rate, and control the filling out of the MRE by participants.

Finance - USDT TRC-20 node, coin issue, coin sale, profit, distribution

The Administration controls this block: all financial information is viewed in a live format; unlike accounting, the block works directly with money and form rules for capital management:

  • - CAB coin buyback payment
  • - Generation of deductions to the support fund
  • - Referral payments
  • - Trader’s fees for working with profits
  • - Operational expenses
Growth and buyback schedule

This block is administered through automation; this block is written specifically for the system and controls the entire asset protection mechanism and the correct algorithms for the system’s life. The growth and buyback schedule is a key element of the system. It is posted on the website and displays a plan of opportunities for participants: the date of the week and the monetary amount are displayed for each buyout. Additionally, the schedule is dynamically updated. Each week, all participants of the community collectively intersect on this schedule. The balance that manages the schedule ensures the stability of the project, protects the project from distortion, and creates stability by providing the right balance of growth and buybacks each week.

Buyback Correction

This block is controlled through automation. This system ensures the long-term viability of the project. Buyback schedule adjustments are necessary to continually assess buyback timeframes and correct any distortions in the case of disbalance. Prophylactic corrections are made monthly. Adjustments can be made outside of the schedule to deal with unexpected crises.

Rules for working with assets on the platform.
  • 1. Redemption of assets:
    • - When a redemption is performed, the assets are displayed on the client’s balance sheet.
    • - The client can use these assets to purchase coins without any restrictions during the redemption week.
  • 2. Application for withdrawal of funds:
    • - If a client submits a request to withdraw funds during the redemption week, this request will be submitted on the same week.
  • 3. Bonus balance and rules for withdrawing funds from this balance:
    • - If the client has not withdrawn or reinvested the funds during the coin redemption week, the system will automatically transfer them to the bonus balance.
    • - To withdraw funds from the bonus balance, you must complete the purchase of coins for the period you need (minimum period is 5 weeks).
    • - After redeeming coins, request their withdrawal to avoid re-transferring the unclaimed amount to the bonus balance.

    Why was this rule introduced?

    • - The platform is not a financial institution or depository - all assets must work.
    • - Unclaimed assets cannot be held in trust wallets to avoid risks.

    Follow the rules to make your funds work for you!

  • 4. No deposits:
    • - The platform is not a financial institution and does not hold deposits.
    • - El Capitalo is a platform for generating income. All assets are working. Do not save on your balance, but reinvest or withdraw. The funds received must work!

Payments of referral commissions are made by the system every Monday and Tuesday.

Payments for the CAB coin are made within a week from the moment your coin is redeemed by the platform. Example: You specified a coin buyback in the 87th week. This means that on the 87th week the platform technically withdraws the coin from the system’s circulation and releases funds. On the 88th week, the platform buys back this coin and the funds are credited to your internal wallet. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when transferring funds, the day the coin was purchased is taken into account. That is, if the CAB coin was purchased on Wednesday, then the funds are more likely to be credited to your balance on Wednesday of the 88th week.

Your internal EL Capitalo wallet is only intended to display your CAB coins. If you spontaneously replenish your internal wallet with USDT balance, the replenishment amount will appear on your balance, but further purchase of CAB coins using this deposit will not be possible. In turn, to return the specified funds, the system provides a commission of 5 USD.

The fee for withdrawals from the El Capitalo platform is 3.50 USD.

Fees are always displayed in the app before the transaction.

Partner. To become a Partner, you must be registered. The referral link may be found in your cabinet.

Rewards. Referral bonuses are given to partners exclusively for personal recommendations of the project, i.e., registration under the referral link of a new participant. Inviting partners can provide an initial consultation, while the FAQ page and online helpers can fully support new participants. It’s important to understand that talking to new participants in person and helping them with their work will surely get you results and higher rewards faster.

Bonus amount. The partner receives bonuses - a percentage of all deposits of his network 3 levels deep. The size of the bonus depends on the level of the participants and is set as a percentage:

  • Level 1 — 3% (your direct affiliates)
  • Level 2 — 2% (affiliates of your direct affiliates)
  • Level 3 — 1% (participants invited by your level 2 affiliates)

Bonus crediting. Bonuses are credited to a partner’s special balance as soon as the invitee deposits to the growth. Bonuses are credited in USDT - it happens at the moment of withdrawal of funds from the participant’s balance for a coin issue and not at the moment of balance replenishment.

Accrual only from new deposits. “New deposits” means funds to which affiliate bonuses have never been credited. It is a standard rule because the partner program was created for one purpose only - to stimulate the growth and expansion of the system. Bonuses are a fair price for any expansion efforts. Any expansion is rewarded with affiliate bonuses, whether it’s an increase in coins or invitees.

Bonus Payout. After bonuses are credited to the balance in the personal cabinet, the partner can dispose of them freely: withdraw the bonuses via payment systems or use them to buy coins. The bonus withdrawal to a payment system is limited to a minimum amount of 30 USDT. If you have fewer, you must find more partners or wait until your partners get affiliates, and you will receive a bonus from them.

Partnerships. A partner receives bonuses only for those participants of his network who participate in the system. The new participant is assigned to the partner under whose direction they registered or whose affiliate link was last used. If the potential participant came to the site through different affiliate links, the participant whose link was used to complete registration would become the partner. If a potential participant gets on the system through an affiliate link, the field of affiliate login change will be unavailable at registration.

So, if a potential participant clicks on an affiliate link once, they are rightfully assigned to the partner whose link they clicked. In this case, if the potential participant closes the site and re-accesses it later, the partner’s data will be saved. Affiliate data is stored in cookies for a period of 365 days.

Changing partnerships. Changing the initial partner or switching to another network is impossible. Pay attention to your invitee in the “Your Partner” field at registration, and you will wind your “Invite Code” as the inviter.

Spam. Using SPAM, you cause severe damage to the site and the project as a whole, which leads to the blocking of the domain and the website itself. You should not use SPAM or other illegal means for advertising your affiliate links. Otherwise, the Administration reserves the right to deny your participation without payment of affiliate bonuses unilaterally.

Each member of the system has its own rating of activity.

Liquidity Market

The Liquidity Market allows you to buy CAB coins from other users at a better price. And it also provides the opportunity to sell your CAB coins before the deadline for buyback.

This is an excellent opportunity to replenish your investment portfolio and obtain quick liquidity if necessary.

  • The sale price of coins can be any.
  • Access to the Liquidity Market is open only to those Users who have purchased and have at least 1 CAB on their balance.
  • You can put a coin up for sale provided that its buyback is set for a period of more than 10 weeks, since you must own the coin for at least 5 weeks and selling on the liquidity market is not available for coins that have less than 5 weeks left until their withdrawal week.

    For example, today is Monday of the 75th week and you bought a coin with a buyback period in 15 weeks (week 90). This means that starting on Monday of the 80th week, you will be able to list the coin for sale, and the maximum duration of your lot will be 4 weeks and 6 days (until Sunday of the 84th week).


By purchasing CAB coins at the current rate, investors become the first owners of the tokens. As tokens circulate, their owner may have a desire to sell them, or, conversely, to additionally buy more tokens, the value of which is higher on the primary market. Reasons for such sales and purchases may be:

The investor has a financial need to return early the funds invested in the purchase of tokens, or at least part of them, or the willingness to purchase tokens at a favorable price from investors who want to sell them;

All these tasks of investors buying and selling their tokens to other investors can be solved by the liquidity market. Today, it represents a platform where, on the one hand, platform users who are owners of tokens can offer them to other platform users, and on the other hand, investors who are ready to purchase tokens from their owners at a price different from their original denomination can make such a purchase.

When entering the platform in the Liquidity Market section, the User can see offers for the sale of tokens from other users of the platform. Each of the offers is a lot containing a list of basic conditions: the denomination of the token when it is created and the denomination on the Liquidity Market.

If any of the lots presented on the Liquidity Market is of interest to the Buyer, he can buy it.

Once the application is approved, it will be visible to all investors on the platform. Applications will be automatically approved and will be available on the Liquidity Market listing immediately after they are created.


  • A commission of 1.5% is charged on the selling price to both buyer and seller.
  • For the seller, the commission is charged at the time the offer is placed.
  • For the buyer, the commission is charged at the time the offer is booked.
  • There is a separate wallet from which commissions are withdrawn. The balance and replenishment of this wallet are located in the header of all pages dedicated to the Liquidity Market.


During the booking process, both the buyer and the seller will have access to online chat.

Report Form

If something goes wrong with the order or the user wants to report the counterparty, he can click the “Report” button and fill out a form describing the problem.

The “Dashboard” and “My Payouts” sections list all the coins you own. You can only sell coins that you have had in your possession for at least 8 weeks. Click the “Sell” button to begin placing your offer on the market.

If you previously purchased 5 coins at once, then it will be possible to put 5 coins on sale, without the possibility of dividing them.

What data is required to place an offer?

When placing an order for placement, the system will ask you to indicate the selling price of the coin, the validity period of your offer and the wallet number for transferring funds.

  • Selling price – can be anything.
  • Validity period - must be from the next day the offer is posted until the coin week of payment.
  • Wallet - the number of the wallet to which you want to receive payment. The buyer will only see it after he reserves the coin.

What happens when someone reserves your offer.

At the time of reservation, a timer (30 minutes) is turned on, indicating the time remaining for the buyer to transfer funds to your wallet.

The buyer must transfer the funds to your wallet and you must confirm that you have received the funds.

  • When a buyer clicks the transfer funds button to your wallet, the timer will reset to 24 hours, and you will see the transaction hash in the chat on the right side to make it easier for you to check if you have received the funds.
  • You can cancel your order at any time before the buyer confirms the funds transfer or before the initial timer expires (whichever occurs first).
  • If the buyer requests a funds transfer and you do not receive the funds within 24 hours, the transaction goes into Dispute status and requires an administrator to contact you when the issue is resolved.

In the list of all offers on the “Liquidity Market” tab, select the deal you are interested in and click “Buy”. After you click the “Buy” button, a timer starts indicating how much time you have left to transfer funds to the seller’s wallet - you have 30 minutes to do this.

  • After transferring funds to the seller, enter the transaction hash in the appropriate field and click “Transferred, notify seller.”
  • When you click the button that you have transferred funds to the merchant's wallet, the timer resets to 24 hours and the merchant must confirm that they received the funds within that time.
  • You can cancel your order at any time before you confirm that the transfer is completed.
  • If you indicated a transfer of funds, but the seller did not confirm receipt of funds within 24 hours, the transaction goes into the “Dispute” status and requires the participation of an administrator who will contact you when the issue is resolved.

For additional questions, please contact [email protected]


Each participant only provides a valid email address - this type of interaction is entirely anonymous. It is worth noting that the following is a pessimistic scenario; if you lose access to your email, you will lose the ability to access your account. The Administration approached the system’s confidentiality process as loyally as possible. It provided a standard opportunity to protect your account since, in some delicate cases, restoring access to your account may need to be authenticated using the tools in the account security tab. This process is necessary to verify that you are you and not a third party who has taken possession of your account. In any case, all data is hidden from other participants, and only your nickname (alias) is available to all other participants of the system.

By agreeing to these rules when registering, you automatically confirm that you agree with every paragraph of the rules, that you act knowingly and voluntarily, and that your use of this website does not violate the laws of your state. The Administration gives no guarantees and commitments, written or oral, and the decision to participate in the community and exercise financial cooperation with other participants is up to the participant as a person interested in the registration - consciously, voluntarily, understanding all the possible risks, which are very clearly stated here.

Key factor. The system depends on the participants. If participants share the coins permanently, the system will work as long as you want (and, thanks to the buybacks, even without an influx of new participants!), and if they stop, everything will stop. Therefore, no guarantees, commitments, or promises are provided - all is in the participants’ hands.

Guarantees. Participants, when handling coins, moving for the buyout to other participants, do it by their whim, according to their right to dispose of their funds, free of charge, finally and irrevocably, without any guarantees, obligations, and promises. Thus, a situation may arise that a participant will share coins, and other participants will receive the buyback of coins, but their buyback will not give a complete financial result. In this case, no refund is possible because the system provides no guarantees or obligations. Participation in the system is voluntary, at your own risk.

Force majeure. Because of the spread and international nature of the system, it is only affected by global disasters. Phenomena, such as global financial crises, and mass disconnection of basic payment systems or the whole banking system, can lead to system failures or complete shutdown.

Security. El Capitalo is not responsible for any losses caused by password sharing or identity theft. We strongly recommend that you keep your data as secure as possible for authentication and access to your personal profile, mail and settings. Do not disclose your personal data to third parties.

Changing of the rules. El Capitalo bears no responsibility for any losses caused by password disclosure or identity theft. We strongly recommend that you protect your data as much as possible to authenticate and access your profile, mail, and settings. Do not disclose your personal information to any third parties. Changing the rules. The system is constantly improving, and these rules are subject to change due to the system adapting to new realities of life. News about rule changes is regularly posted on the website. Temporary changes to participation policies or instruments may be further described in current publications on the site.

Promotions on the El Capitalo platform take place all year round. Promotions are designed to solve marketing tasks and help expand and popularize the community.

All El Capitalo clients who fulfill the necessary conditions for participation can take part in the promotion.

All information about current promotions is published on El Capitalo's webpage in the NEWS section, as well as on the platform's social networks.

Bonus USDT are credited to the user's El Capitalo bonus balance.

The results of the promotions are published in the next newsletter after the end of the promotion, as well as on El Сapitalo in the NEWS section.

After the end of the promotion, all Users who have won gift USDT will receive a congratulatory email from the platform to their registered email address.

For clarifying questions, please contact [email protected].