New stage in world of the El Capitalo has begun! Start your investment journey with us.

  • split
  • new stage

The split occurred successfully. The CAB coin has returned to its original value of 100 USD and begins a new growth cycle lasting 71 weeks.


Current CAB coin value: 100 USDT

How to get the maximum benefit from this period? Buy as many coins as possible at the very beginning.

For example, Users who, at the beginning of the last cycle, purchased 10 CAB coins for 100 USDT today received an income of 2 000 USD.

The income of those who bought 20 CAB coins at 100 USD currently amounted to 4 000 USD.

Cool? Still would.

Why is it profitable to invest from the very beginning?

Because after the 71st week you will get 100% profit.

You can set any period for the buyback, but remember, the longer the period, the greater your income. And time flies very quickly.

How to buy CAB coins?

Step 1. Register on the platform or log into your account.

Step 2. Select the desired number of coins and indicate the buyback period.

Step 3. Transfer funds to your internal wallet.

Step 4. Complete your application.

Finally, your money works for you.


If you have any further questions, contact us at [email protected]

Thank you for having you with us!

El Capitalo