New Year promotion from El Capitalo: CAB coin extravaganza!

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[Updated with promotion results]. Get ready for the exciting CAB coin giveaway that awaits you!


We are pleased to inform you about the end of the “New Year promotion from El Capitalo: CAB coin extravaganza!”

As a result of the drawing, the winner was Daniel, the participant of the promotion, who fulfilled all the conditions. 5 CAB gift coins will be credited to the client’s balance. Congratulations to Daniel on his victory!

The Platform expresses sincere gratitude to all participants of the action. Your participation and attention to the company is highly valued by us.

We are confident that our high-yield product and community will continue to bring you fun and joy in the form of stable returns.

Thank you for having you with us!



Dear Clients,

Only during these holiday two weeks from 25.12.23 to 07.01.24 El Capitalo platform invites everyone to take part in the drawing of 5 CAB coins.

It is very easy to take part in the drawing: until 07.01.24 purchase 5 CAB coins with a buyback period of at least 20 weeks.

Imagine that you will not only make money from the growth of the CAB coin, but will also be able to participate in the drawing of 5 CAB coins. This is a real coin extravaganza! After all, the prize fund is 1500 USD!

Join the drawing at El Capitalo and be one of the lucky ones to receive a CAB gift coin!


 • All El Capitalo clients who, during the period from 25.12.23 to 07.01.24 inclusive take part in the drawing will purchase 5 coins with a coin buyback period of at least 20 weeks. The number of coins purchased at one time may differ, but in total for the entire promotion period, the total number of coins purchased should be equal to 5 coins. 

·        5 CAB coins entitle you to 1 ticket in the drawing. 10 CAB coins give you 2 tickets to participate in the drawing, etc.

·        The drawing will take place on 09.01.24. live. The exact time of the draw will be published on the Telegram channel.

·       The CAB gift coin will be credited to your El Capitalo balance for a period of 1 year.

·        The results of the drawing will be published on 10.01.24, in the next newsletter after the end of the promotion, and the results will also be published on the website in the news section.

·        For additional questions, please contact [email protected]

Read the detailed terms of the promotion on the website in the NEWS section. 

Let the New Year's draw be the beginning of a bright and magical 2024 for you!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

El Capitalo