How cryptocurrency is used.

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There are several ways to use cryptocurrency.


Investments. Cryptocurrency attracts investors with high profitability of deposits. According to the results of the first quarter of 2023, bitcoin became the leader among other investment instruments - since January 1, 2023, its price has increased by 70%.

Speculation. Prices in the cryptocurrency market are an easy subject of speculation. Volatility in the value of electronic money creates a difference in exchange rates. This difference is used by traders and crypto brokers.

Cryptocurrency exchange for goods and services. The exchange is not widespread everywhere, but is gaining momentum. Cryptocurrency payments are accepted by Amazon, EBay, PayPal electronic system. ATMs for cashing out funds appear, a single form of payment with cryptocurrency debit cards is being developed.

Today, almost all inhabitants of the Earth know what cryptocurrencies are. More than 100 million people are already actively using cryptocurrencies.

Surely almost everyone has wondered: Why didn't I learn about this before? Why didn't I buy 100 BITCOIN when one BITCOIN was worth 1 USD? Others ask themselves: Why didn't I sell my 100 BITCOIN when one BITCOIN was worth 65,000 USD? The world is changing, and so is the situation in the financial market. All of this affects the exchange rate of cryptocurrencies, so no one can predict whether the price of any coin will rise or fall tomorrow. Taking the example of BITCOIN: some analysts say that in the next few years, the BITCOIN rate will reach 200 - 300,000 USD, and then the value of BITCOIN may grow up to 1,000,000 USD. Other analysts argue that cryptocurrencies are a financial bubble, an unsecured asset whose value will continue to fall. With an overflow of contradictory information, it is difficult to understand whether to buy or sell cryptocurrency and whether it is worth investing in them because no one can guarantee anything. Maybe most people don’t need a high-risk asset that can either exponentially multiply their wealth or completely drain their wallets.

In this situation, it would be nice to have a predictable cryptocurrency whose value will be known for months and even years in advance! Impossible? Not anymore! The El Capitalo project offers precisely this approach to cryptocurrencies. As you purchase CAB cryptocurrency, you can see how much it will be worth in a week, month, year, and longer. You can immediately specify the date when you will be able to withdraw your funds, considering their worth at that time. Withdrawal of funds is carried out automatically. The rate of CAB cryptocurrency is growing by 1% per week, and the annual increase is 66%. This growth is the profit on which any CAB token holder can depend.  

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El Capitalo